Monday, 23 December 2013


幾天前沈旭暉教授在臉書上貼了一段「金正恩教材」,相當可怕:「1979年,剛全面掌控伊拉克政權的42歲領袖薩達姆舉行全黨高層大會,全程錄播,會議中他宣佈發現「叛徒集團」,以黨總書記Muhyi Abdel-Hussein為首,然後吩咐總書記逐個讀出「叛徒」名字,全體高層面無人色,被點名的立刻被帶離會場,最後68人上榜,22人被判死刑,即時由其他倖存的復興黨高層親自執行,最終總書記也被處決。薩達姆全程悠閒地抽雪茄,經此一役就確立最高領導權威。」

今晚遊走於維基百科,方知一山還有一山高。關於赤道幾內亞前獨裁者Francisco Macías Nguema的條目是這樣寫的:
During Christmas of 1975 he [Francisco Marcias Nguema] ordered about 150 of his opponents killed. Soldiers dressed up in Santa Claus costumes executed them by shooting at the football stadium in Malabo, while amplifiers were playing Mary Hopkin's "Those Were the Days".」

可怕而荒謬的場景。這個晚上,反覆播著"Those Were the Days",想像著三十八年前的聖誕節,非洲島國的一個空曠的足球場上,獨裁者坐在觀眾席上,看著穿扮成聖誕老人的士兵逐一槍決或許是舊日戰友的政敵,而揚聲器傳來Mary Hopkin的歌聲,正唱著「Those were the days, my friend / We thought they'd never end」...竟覺比電影更有電影感。李安廢礦場那幕戲拍得再好,大概也不能勝過荒謬的現實。不知道Macías Nguema回府的時候,身邊人會否發現他氣色不佳,而他又會否如渡邊徹一樣,以「I'm fine, thanks, just feeling kind of blue."」回應呢?

「Then, the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If, by chance, I'd see you in the tavern,
We'd smile at one another and...」

註:維基條目引用來源寫得不明不白,不能盡信。另找到華盛頓郵報2001的報導,細節頗有出入:「... [Macías Nguema] on Christmas 1975 executed 150 alleged coup plotters in the national stadium while a band played Those Were the Days.」