Thursday, 29 December 2016


昨天見到Muk Lam,跟她說我一直都有讀她在臉書上的近況,寫得真好。豈料她說,已經很久沒寫了呀。大概是近來雖然工作忙碌,但別無閒事掛心頭,寫作的動力也就少了。



Wednesday, 7 December 2016

If Trump has a foreign policy, how might it look like?

Sometimes it could seem that Donald Trump has no coherent foreign policy whatsoever, and only acts as whims come and go in his mind. That might well be true. But what if he does? If we assume that President-elect Trump (and/or his team) does have a coherent foreign policy - a brave assumption - how does it look like?

It turns out there is a line that seemingly joins all the dots that have been revealed so far. The particulars are:

1. He wants to confront and contain China.

2. This necessitates a rapprochement with Russia, which both he and Putin appear to want anyway.

3. Such a strategy has the potential of directing Russia towards a new Great Game in Central Asia, where Chinese influence is on the ascendant as a consequence of Xi's "One Belt, One Road".

4. To save US resources and increase pressure on Beijing, Washington will allow Tokyo, Seoul and Taipei more freedom of action in return for rearmament.

5. In this new set of priorities, Europe is less important to the US - probably as important as Canada was during the cold war. After all, the European powers are too far away from East Asia, too pacifist, and too busy with sorting out their own continent's affairs to be of help to either America or China. As a consequence, the US would try to play down its NATO commitments leave the old continent alone.

6. As a corollary of (2), (3) and (5), the US would consider an informal recognition of a Russian sphere of influence - in other words, acquiescing to the status quo in Ukraine and the Caucasus, and allowing Putin a free hand in Syria - a good price in exchange for Russia being detached from China.

7. India, under a Hindu-nationalist BJP government, has already been drifting closer to Japan and America. It would not be inconceivable for the US to draw India into a common front: one that might be set up ‘against radical Islam’ in name, but coincidentally would also be against China.

8. Given Chinese claims in the South China Sea, it is unlikely for ASEAN to become solidly anti-America (or anti-anything, for that matter) any time soon.

9. Increased pressure on China from North and North-West (3), East (4), South-East (8) and South-West (7) could be complemented by a threat of a US-China trade war. It may or may not materialise, but the threat itself would bring uncertainty - and given capital has been flowing out of China and into the US since 8th November, the Trump administration may judge China to be more vulnerable to a showdown than the US is.

If this were the true outlines of a Trumpist foreign policy, it would be in the best Republican realpolitik traditions. It is easy to forget that throughout the 70s and 80s, it was Nixon and Reagan who had befriended China to put pressure on the Soviet Union. If Trump goes to Moscow, it would be no more surprising than Nixon in China, 1972.

Of course, even if Trump had a plan, it is not unlikely for events to overtake it - one does not need to look further than George W. Bush and 9/11 for an example. And while I’ve been assuming that that Trump (or his foreign affairs advisers) does have a coherent policy, I might well be wrong - it is quite probable that I was - and only time would tell which case it is.

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Friday, 25 November 2016

Translation Exercise II / 翻譯練習(二)

Author: Isaac Cheung (in Chinese) 

Reasons why the left has failed and failed in recent years:

1. Long term alliance and compromise with the liberals. The left effectively gave up scrutinising neoliberalism and went over to the side of its beneficiaries. It unknowingly declared war on the traditional working class, and as a result conceded its own historical class foundation to the right.

2. The intellectuals' decoupling from the trade unions. On one hand, the movement became increasingly elitist: intellectuals of the left moved virtually all practice of their theories into the confines of universities. On the other hand, the trade unions lost their natural visionaries. They no longer claim to have a blueprint for class struggle. They became short-sighted and rarely saw beyond protecting their respective industries. This laid the ideological foundation for nationalist protectionism of the right to take over the working class.

3. Ideological confusion within the left itself. It spent too many years away from labour movements. It spent too many years being the junior partner of the liberal mainstream. It does not only lost its identity. It also lost its framework of thinking. For example, the left adopted the liberals' moralistic perspective to politics and forgot how to objectively analyse the interests of different social classes. Some leftists even chose to see the working class as 'amoral' and 'unenlightened' and preferred the alliance with a 'rational' and 'noble' middle class with little revolutionary potential.

If the left hopes to ever regain its political energy to challenge the right, it must first review how the liberals' way of thinking has infiltrated its own. And then, it must examine whether its alliance with liberals still makes sense: perhaps, it was not in spite of, but because of this alliance, the right has risen.

(by Isaac Cheung)

1. 長期跟自由派妥協、結盟:這相當於放棄在批判新自由主義上的 commitment,站到新自由主義得益者的邊上,暗地裡向傳統工人階級開戰,結果就是將整塊傳統的左翼階級基礎讓給了右派。
2. 知識份子與工會的 decoupling:一方面是左派知識份子的實踐基礎幾乎全面轉移至大學,造成了左翼運動的菁英化;另一方面工會則失去了長遠的階級抗爭藍圖,視野日益狹小,向保護主義傾斜,實際效果就是在工人階級之間為右翼的民族主義保護主義打下意識形態基礎。
3. 左派自己的 ideological confusion:長期脫離工運、寄生於自由派主流的結果,就是左派在喪失自己的 identity 同時,也在喪失對事物分析的能力。例如學自由派以道德化視野去分析政治,而不是唯物地分析不同社會階級的利益基礙。這導致這些左派選擇繼續將工人階級視為「不道德」和「愚昧」的,並選擇了跟那些「理智」而「高尚」、卻沒有多少革命潛力的中產階級結盟。 
左派若要重新獲得能與右派抗衝的政治能量,恐怕最首要的一件事就是去重新檢視左派思想當中自由派思考風格的影響,而第二件事就係去反省「與自由派聯盟對抗右翼」呢個策略本身仲 make 唔 make sense,定其實正正由於呢種結盟右翼勢力先可以養到今日咁大。

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Translation Exercise I / 翻譯練習(一)

Author: Muk Lam (in Chinese)

I could immediately tell you my opinion about every city I've ever visited. Taipei is exquisite: her scents are complex, far fuller than Hong Kong's. Oxford is historical: her architecture is sediments of bygone times, without brashness that you would find in Hong Kong. Kyoto is leisurely: the sky and clouds have space to relax and breathe above her small houses, so unlike Hong Kong, where tall towers cut the sky into pieces.

Except Hong Kong. Her scents are no simpler or more complex than Hong Kong herself. She is neither older nor younger than Hong Kong. Her buildings are neither taller nor shorter than Hong Kong's. For me, Hong Kong is the anchor point, the origin (0,0) of the coordinates upon which I place all cities. She is ground zero which no word could describe. I saw the pretentious skyscrapers that she shows outsiders, as well as the verdant fields and scenic rock formations that she carefully keeps in modest corners. I saw her vibrant luminous bars in the small hours. I saw her tiny dim rental cells. I saw corrupt people, irresponsible people; I saw humanoid tape recorders, with and without power; I also saw people who defended themselves with open umbrellas in the face of teargas. I have seen too many details to grasp her essence: I cannot find a single shallow distortive adjective to qualify Hong Kong.

I live with this city. Every day, I trace her veins, walk her contours and passageways, and try to comprehend her machinations and thoughts. In this city that never sleeps, I dream and I wake up, but my eyes do not see, for love is blind... Of the innumerable cities in all possible worlds, Hong Kong alone is the city I will never see.

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Sunday, 11 September 2016






兩個月前,終於親身來到玻利維亞的波托西。城建在荒涼的高原上,海拔4100米。稀薄的空氣中有風沙味,教人想起撒哈拉的風,但又帶有某種金屬質的感覺。據說,該地白銀產量曾在近世佔全球六成之巨,但市面卻頗顯破落。只有舊鑄幣廠、大教堂、和修道院裏面,才能窺見舊時繁華的一瞥。城南有一座海拔4800米的孤山,名曰「些路力高」(Cerro Rico),或者富山,就是銀礦的所在。西班牙人發現這寶山之後,就利用印加時已建立的徭役制度,驅使土著採礦,土著不夠,就從非洲運入黑奴補充。據說,三百年間,共有近八百萬人因此而死。所生產的白銀用羊駝馱到海邊,海運到墨西哥,再由定期起航的大帆船運到馬尼拉,換取中國的茶葉、絲綢、瓷器之類。


波托西(Potosi)及城南曾經盛產銀礦的富山(Cerro Rico)。筆者自攝於2016年七月六日。



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Wednesday, 7 September 2016




馮檢基大概以為民協早年曾開拓新西,屯門仲有三個區議員,就冒險轉區參選,結果益咗何君堯,連保證金都輸埋,應該係佢從政三十三年以來輸得最甘嘅一次(其實都係得三次,另外果兩次係1998年立會同上年區選)。比起同佢一齊創立民協嘅李永達、陳偉業,判斷能力實在有所不及;前者四年前敗於配票失利,後者雖然未能扶黃浩銘當選,但都算係光榮引退。今日我哋為新人新氣象而高興,無咩人諗起馮檢基1983年當選市政局議員,「每個星期的新聞透視都是馮檢基」嘅時侯,只係30歲,同今年嘅梁頌恒同齡,比朱凱迪、鄭松泰都後生;而涂謹申1991年入局時,只係28歲。風流總被雨打風吹去。They were the future once.






年份  (A)      (B)      (B)-(A)
1998  66.4% 75.0% 8.6%
2000  60.6% 66.7% 6.1%
2004  60.5% 60.0% -0.5%
2008  59.5% 63.3% 3.8%
2012  56.2% 51.4% -4.8%
2016  55.0% 54.3% -0.7%





一啲個人經驗:我都勸過人投黃洋達,其中不乏介乎泛民本土之間,如果住新東會考慮陳雲,住新西會考慮鄭松泰嘅朋友,但佢哋對黃洋達嘅憎恨,及得上本土派「寧投建制,勿投泛民」嘅情緒。佢哋寧願試圖保快必,寧願俾謝偉俊入,都唔願意投黃洋達。係架,黃洋達其實同榴槤差唔多,鍾意嘅人就鍾意,唔鍾意嘅真係會掉頭走,而鍾意食榴槤嘅人嘅比例呢.... 新界兩區就夠用嘅,九龍東就只夠攬炒。呢個係熱普城性格使然。

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Friday, 2 September 2016








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Friday, 24 June 2016

Why I voted for Leave (tactically)

I voted for Leave this morning.

The European Union is clearly in need of reform: it needs to become more nimble, more democratically accountable, and be more responsive to the people it serves. But I also believe that this is more likely if Britain argues for it inside the club.

But on the other hand, I am afraid that if Remain won by a large margin, the EU would relapse to its usual complacency. Therefore I concluded that the best outcome would be a narrow win for Remain.
The polls this morning suggested that the UK would most likely remain; I also expected a last-minute swing towards the status quo as we saw in the Scottish referendum. Based on that, I tactically voted for Leave.

I would have liked to write a longer piece, but I don't think I could do better than Deryck Chan. If I were to vote by post last week, when Leave was leading in the polls, I would have voted for Remain. But as events unveiled, I became convinced that Remain would be likely to win and I could afford to vote tactically for Leave.

Hopefully my vote would have done a little bit in ushering in a reformed EU - as early results were coming in, I might have well made a very wrong decision!

P.S. I found this sentence quite convincing for me indeed.
It appalls me that thousands of Europeans are moving to the UK without any meaningful prior connection, but at the same time international students are not given the chance to further their professional career in the UK.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Pope Francis, Gandalf, and the two Morias

It is in the news that Pope Francis has taken 12 Syrian migrants from the Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos(1) back to the Vatican with him. This is, of course, a very kind act. But, Moria camp? Moria??

For me at least, the very name Moria has become irreversibly associated with the vast legendary underground Dwarven city beneath the Misty Mountains in the Lord of the Rings. Oh, and in its ruins a certain wizard, in a robe that was not unlike Pope Francis's, delivered a message of an exact opposite meaning to a creature which some might term a war refugee(2).

From the film The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001). Source

No wonder a Guardian writer called Tolkien's work 'political fantasy' with 'reactionary politics at the heart'. The newspaper is very internally consistent indeed.

(1) On an unrelated note, the island also lent its name to an essential component of the GLEE movement which every one of us should be part of and support.
(2) The Balrog was a survivor from the war against the first Dark Lord, Morgoth. As set out in The Silmarillion,
"The meeting of the hosts of the West and of the North is named the Great Battle, and the War of Wrath. There was marshalled the whole power of the Throne of Morgoth, and it had become great beyond count, so that Anfauglith could not contain it; and all the North was aflame with war. But it availed him not. The Balrogs were destroyed, save some few that fled and hid themselves in caverns inaccessible at the roots of the earth [...]"

Sunday, 28 February 2016






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Friday, 26 February 2016




(一) 2012年立會改選時,新界東共有十七名候選人,各有若干選民支持。從統計處數據可以推算這四年間18歲以上人士的死亡率。若假設離世選民按得票分佈於十七名候選人的支持者當中,並將其剔除,又忽略遷出/遷入新界東人口的因素,則今日22歲以上、尚在的新東選民,可按其2012年的投票取向細分為17類,共佔投票者92.3%。
(二) 年齡介乎18-21歲的選民,即所謂「首投族」。以選委會及統計處數據推算,約佔選民5.2%。
(三) 在這四年間居港滿七年的新移民。以選委會及統計處數據推算,約佔選民1.5%。


  • 投票率與2012年相若。
  • 劉志成、梁思豪可以平分2012年梁安琪、何民傑、陳國強三人的得票數。沒有理由的,但這幾千位選民真的無從歸類,唯有假設品味獨特的人會繼續獨特下去......吧。
  • 黃成智可以取回他2012年的得票數的70%。另外的30%,則由楊岳橋、方國珊、周浩鼎平分。其實可能有點高估泛民選民轉投建制的比率。不過黃成智的支持者本來就是2012年泛民選民中最保守的部分,經過佔領運動、旺角衝突之後轉投建制,這樣估計比較安全。
  • 方國珊地區工作紮實,應可取回其2012年的票數。
  • 經濟動力邱榮光、自由黨田北俊的支持者多屬中間派中間收入或中產人士,蛇齋餅糉效力不大,相信轉投周浩鼎的人不多。不妨假設2012支持這兩張名單的選民有60%轉投方國珊,20%投周浩鼎、20%放棄投票。
  • 龐愛蘭較親建制,但也有試圖建立獨立形象。不妨假設其得票數有70%投周浩鼎,30%放棄投票。
  • 民建聯、工聯會選舉工程綿密,地區福利工作聞名遐邇,可以假設2012年投工聯會葉偉明、民建聯葛珮帆、陳克勤的選民會全投周浩鼎。
  • 新界東居港滿七年的新移民較受建制地區工作影響,當是70%投周浩鼎,20%投楊岳橋、餘下的由黃成智、方國珊平分好了。
  • 首投族較傾向不滿政府,保守推斷,周浩鼎在這組選民當中最多得票10%。以最近中大學生會選舉的結果推斷,梁天琦、楊岳橋分別取得首投族當中60%、30%的選票,應該不算不合理。


(a) 如果梁天琦可以全取當年被視為激進民主派的梁國雄、陳志全、范國威的得票數,再加上溫和民主派(劉慧卿、張超雄、蔡耀昌、湯家驊、龐一鳴)得票數的12%以上,則會勝出。
(b) 如果楊岳橋可以全取溫和民主派(劉慧卿、張超雄、蔡耀昌、湯家驊、龐一鳴)2012年的得票數,加上梁國雄、陳志全、范國威得票的8%以上,則會勝出。
(c) 若果梁楊之票數分佈介乎(a)、(b)之間,或者民建聯能夠取得更多2012年投經濟動力、自由黨的選民支持,周浩鼎就很有可能漁人得利而勝出了。


  • 方國珊當選機會較低,但今次補選積累的氣勢有助她九月入立會。
  • 其實周浩鼎、方國珊、梁天琦、楊岳橋四人如果九月重返新東參選,看來都可以當選。


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