I was to catch a train today, and before that I had to pass something to a friend at a tube station on the way. I allowed around 20 minutes of buffer in my journey time.
My friend was late for about 10 minutes. Then I got on the tube, missed a stop, and had to go backwards from the next station, which wasted another 10 minutes. I managed to catch the train only seconds before it departed.
Now in the (relative) comfort of a train, I start to wonder, what if I had missed the train? Who should I have blamed?
A. My friend.
B. Myself, for missing the stop on the tube.
C. Myself, for not allowing enough buffer time.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
F. Blaming is not good. I shouldn't have blamed anyone or anything.
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My friend was late for about 10 minutes. Then I got on the tube, missed a stop, and had to go backwards from the next station, which wasted another 10 minutes. I managed to catch the train only seconds before it departed.
Now in the (relative) comfort of a train, I start to wonder, what if I had missed the train? Who should I have blamed?
A. My friend.
B. Myself, for missing the stop on the tube.
C. Myself, for not allowing enough buffer time.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
F. Blaming is not good. I shouldn't have blamed anyone or anything.
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