Saturday, 26 August 2017




我這樣言不及義地說了一陣,大概連玲子也不耐煩了吧。「那麼,你呢?」我靜默了好幾秒,腦中想起有17個轉車月台的Clapham Junction車站,繁忙時段平均每30秒有一班火車經停時的資訊顯示板。然後又記起某年冬天一個下着冷雨的凌晨,在捷克波蘭邊境,多條鐵路交匯的小城Bohumin站轉火車的情景。但總不能要玲子給讀者讀甚麼Clapham Junction、甚麼Bohumin的嘛。於是說,我大概是在九龍塘的轉車人潮裏面,看著路線圖,在尋找適合路線的人吧。

「香港朋友來訪,說起前陣子去了巴黎,竟然想在那幅地圖上找巴黎,香港人看見香港地圖都不認得!」講緊你呀 Malee 😛


掛線時我習慣性地說了句「have a good day」,然後又覺有點突兀。便問,對不起我忘了,在香港掛線時通常都說甚麼。玲子說,她也不肯定,大概是「得閒飲茶」吧。




明報:《居英半移民 唔上唔落時》


「Quasi-Immigrant 半移民」 攝影展

展期:27.8.2017 – 2.9.2017
時間:星期一至五 7 - 10pm | 星期六、日 11am - 6pm


Saturday, 19 August 2017


English version



我是在2009年考過高考,去倫敦讀大學的。第一年住在校方營運的宿舍裏面。是七層高,有地庫的大樓,名為「堤邊屋」,就在現代藝術館Tate Modern的後面,步行上學需時大約25分鐘。是大概百餘方呎大的單人房,地上舖了灰藍色的地氈。偌大的房間裏放了一張單人床,感覺有點空虛,不過總不能抱怨這個。米白色的牆上貼了幾塊正方形的小鏡子,相信是前人在宜家買來的。租金相應地貴:我現在還記得,那是每日£20.27;八年過去,想必又上漲了不少。

堤邊屋 (2009-2010)

邦邨理登樓 (2010-2011)


斯查佛者利拉花士坊公寓大廈 (2011-2012)

劍橋格勒臣道 (2012-2013)

施查佛哈靈士碼頭公寓大廈 (2013-2015)


Places in the UK that I lived in


A while ago, Queenie was staying at my place in London. While we were having small talks over a supper, her tone suddenly became serious and said she hoped I wouldn't mind something she did in the afternoon. I thought she probably broke a glass or did something similarly minuscule, and said, go ahead, just say it. It turns out she had taken a set of photographs in the flat and had this idea of starting a photography project. Of course I wouldn't have minded. And then she asked me to connect her with Hong Kong people of our generation who are working in London. I could try my best, I said.

This is how it started. And, inside my mind, I started to recount all the places I've been a tenant in the UK.

I did my A-levels in Hong Kong and went to London to read a degree in 2009. In my first year in university, I lived in Bankside House, a residential hall run by the School. It was a seven-storey high building complete with a basement, right behind Tate Modern. It usually takes me around 25 minutes to walk to school. It was a spacious room - perhaps just over 100 sq ft - carpeted with a subdued hue of greyish blue and with a single bed. It almost feels empty and too big, but I suppose I can't complain about that. My predecessor attached a few Ikea square mirrors to the otherwise plain walls, which were painted in a kind of white-ish cream. The rent was accordingly high: I could still recall that it was £20.27, and it must have gone up quite a bit over the eight intervening years.

Bankside House (2009-2010)
The School only guaranteed accommodation for first-year students; a small number of hall places were allocated to second- and third-year students by ballot, which I had no luck with. I rented a small 3-bedroom flat with two other coursemates from Hong Kong. The flat was on the third floor of a Grade-II-listed red-brick four-storey building in a council estate, which was built in 1905 to resettle former residents of Dickensian dwellings which were being cleared at the time. It had no lifts and we had to use the stairs every day, which we get used to sooner than we thought. To save money, I chose the smallest room, bought a loft bed and placed a worktop beneath. There were many trees in the housing estate. In autumn there were glamorous red and yellow leaves. But we did not stay long there, and the next year I moved out of central London, to Stratford, with one of the friends.

Ledam Building, Bourne Estate (2010-2011)
When I was in Bankside House I had Singaporean and Portuguese friends who had their respective flags on the wall in their rooms. In the summer between my second and third years, I bought a large map of Hong Kong from the Lands Department's stall at the Book Fair. It later became a prominent feature of our flat's living room that year. It was a two-bedroom flat with a view of a car park, plus a multi-storey car park behind it, and a Mark & Spencer's neon sign afar. My flatmate and I started to make cocktails that year. My favourite was Long Island Iced Tea: its ingredients - coke, lemon, and four different spirits - are all kitchen staples. Once, on a cold dark winter night, I was sipping from my glass on my own while I looked/stared at the amber circles that streetlamps make in the heavy fog. Of course, this was an exception of my life: the norm was to seek jobs, apply to master's programmes and study in a general feeling of unease and being lost.

I also came to know Queenie that year. She was travelling in the UK with a friend of hers, and the plan was to stay at our place for a few days and have a feel of the festive atmosphere in London around Christmas before they fly north. While our small talk could still be described as 'brief', I told them honestly, the UK is not like Hong Kong. The law and the customs are different. Over here, Christmas is also celebrated by all - and that's why all shops would be closed, all train and bus services do not run, and everyone spends time with their families. We did not have family with us, so we roasted a small turkey, opened a bottle of champagne, and quietly celebrated Christmas in our own way.

Gerry Raffles Square, Stratford (2011-2012)
I was quite lost when it comes to what I should do after graduation. I applied to three master's programmes and quite a few employers. When I finally made up my mind and decided to do a master's outside London, there were no rooms left on college site. I was sent off to a white two-storey house away from the city centre, which was fairly well-concealed from the road by some tall bushes and a big tree. A teaching fellow and his fiancée occupied the one-bedroom flat on the ground floor. The rest of the house was divided into a big kitchen, a big living room, three bathrooms, and eight single rooms of varying sizes. There was also a tiny garage where we park our bikes. All but one of my housemates were mathematicians, as we were opposite the new Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Behind our house, there was a large garden; I heard good things about the barbeques that had happened on the grass there, but I sadly missed it: the winter was long that year - it was still snowing in April - and I became too occupied with my exams and thesis when summer finally came. The house was on a Clarkson Road, which leads to Wilberforce Road if I turn left as I leave the house - both were named after 19th-century abolitionists who went to the same college. This was truly the edge of the city: if one walks past the University Sports Ground on Wilberforce Road, he comes to the sight of endless fields of wheat. The sky was so dimly lit that I could see not only stars but constellations, whenever I cycled home on a cloudless night.

Clarkson Road, Cambridge (2012-2013)
After I finished my master's, I returned to London and started working. I lodged at a second-degree cousin's place in my first month while I was looking for a place with a friend. And we again ended up in Stratford, in a two-bedroom flat on the fourth floor. It has a large floor-to-ceiling window with a view of London Underground's repairs facilities and training centre and Canary Wharf's skyscrapers further afield. We bought a purple rug, and my flatmate added a coffee machine, and we spent two years there.

Hallings Wharf Studios, Stratford (2013-2015)
I moved again two years ago - back to the apartment building I once lived in when I was in my third year in university. I even stayed on the same floor (1/F) - only the door number changed. And it was in this apartment that the lights and shadows Queenie so artfully immortalised once happened.

P.S.: I tried to put Queenie in touch with a friend who just turned 30. Unfortunately, Queenie had her diary fully packed, and couldn't visit her place. My friend later read "aged 20-30" in the description, and enquired whether she was excluded because of her age. Well, I'll hand this question back to the organiser...

Friday, 11 August 2017

常期望安定 還期望即興


週日曾到的Princess Louise酒館







村上春樹《國境之南 太陽之西》,頁232


Thursday, 3 August 2017


早前寫到爵士樂《South of the Border》,便上網找來聽。以下是原唱者Gene Autry在1939年為其主演的同名電影灌錄的版本。法蘭仙納杜拉1953年也唱過這首歌,網上不難找到。原來曾幾何時,美國和香港一樣,也常有歌影兩棲的藝人。後來大概是市場漸大,從事者專注其一已經足夠,術業有專攻,便不再分神兼顧。

在村上的《國境之南 太陽之西》裏面,島本和阿始聽的是Nat King Cole(納金高)的唱片。但上網一查,卻發現納金高從來沒有灌錄過這首歌。但這有甚麼所謂呢;小說裏的情節,也許也只是想像的產物。



Then she sighed as she whispered mañana
Never dreaming that we were parting
And I lied as I whispered mañana
For our tomorrow never came



( 《國境之南 太陽之西》,頁209。)

South of the border, I jumped back one day
There in a veil of white, by the candlelight, she knelt to pray
The mission bells told me that I mustn't stay
South of the border, down Mexico way
明天當然是來了。可是醒來時,卻只剩我一個人。雨已經完全停了,透明光亮的晨光從臥室窗口射進來。 時鐘指着九時過,床上沒有島本的身影。[...]我想會不會有甚麼留言之類的,我在家裏每個角落都找遍了,但甚麼也沒有。連她曾經來過的痕跡也沒有。



( 《國境之南 太陽之西》,頁210。)


